Latest news Cyclone Beparjoy Live tracking

Breaking news, cyclone Beparjoy hits India hard. Cyclone Beparjoy, which originated in Arabian Sea, has hit Rajasthan after destroying North Gujrat. This cyclone has caused too much destructions throughout its journey. It has killed 2 people and destroyed almost 1000 villages and many are left without electricity in Gujarat. Although, the cyclone has lost its momentum and is now weakened but it is still moving towards Rajasthan.  World media is covering about this news as this has become a massive disaster in the south Asia.

Technology has been a major help in this incident because, with the help of equipment and satellite, the people were able to know in advance when and where the cyclone would hit. Due to early information many lives could be saved during a disaster. This time 74,000people were evacuated from the coastal district of Gujarat. Moreover, more than 90,000 people were also evacuated in Pakistan to avoid damages due to the cyclone. A total of 170,000 people were evacuated due to this cyclone in India and Pakistan.

Cyclone Beparjoy  live tracking

Cyclone Beparjoy formed in Arabian sea and it came towards the northern part of the sea and the cyclone at a certain point it even reached 195 km per hour rotation speed. The cyclone was mainly moving towards the northern part of the sea and it was anticipated that it would hit the Sindh Province of Pakistan. Due to this anticipation the government of Pakistan issued warning to evacuated almost 90,000 people to prevent and counter this cyclone. But cyclones are unpredictable and can cause a huge amount of damage. Later the cyclone took a turn and hit northern Gujrat. The name Beparjoy was given by Bangladesh as various countries gets an opportunity for naming a Cyclone. The cyclone impact was so great that impact was felt in New Delhi as well.

cyclone biporjoy rajasthan route / Rajasthan Situation:

Rajasthan biggest fear is that the cyclone may hit their highly populated areas like Jalore and Barmer district. The biggest advantage that Gujarat had, was that the cyclone hit the lower populated areas so the damage was less. Rajasthan government has issues red alert in Jalore and Barmer district to minimise the damages. Moreover, heavy rainfall is expected in Sihori, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Dungarpur till June 17.

cyclical behavior of economic variables/ Economic Cost:

The cyclone causes extensive financial damage to the State Power utility of Gujarat, with 5120 electricity polls being damaged and are now being restored. Almost 4000 villages were rendered without power but now electricity supply has been restored in about 3580 villages. Furthermore, buildings, houses, roads are also being restored for the public use. This is supposed to cost millions for India. In 2020, due to cyclone Amphan, which hit India-Bangladesh border, India suffered economic losses of Rs 1.16 lakh crore. In 2019, cyclone Fani in Odisha caused an estimated loss of Rs 9336 crore. In 2021, a very severe cyclone Yaas that hit India’s eastern region caused the combine economic laws of about $7-8 billion in three states of India.

cyclone biporjoy cause :

The sea surface temperature over the Arabian Sea have increased by 1.2-1.3o C in recent decade compared to 4 decades ago according to a paper in Elsevier earth science review published last year. When the sea temperature rises above 260 C, it results in frequent cyclones that are stronger and often lasts longer. This phenomenon is called Ocean Warming. This challenge would affect only some selected countries, for example India, China, USA(especially Florida), Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and other tropical countries. it is high time that countries like USA, India and China should come together and address this issue to prevent any losses to any other countries, otherwise frequent occurrence of cyclone would destroy these countries and suffer financial losses.


What is tropical cyclone biparjoy?

During cold war, American deployments of missiles in eastern Europe were matched by Soviet Union (USSR) deployments of similar estimation missiles in Cuba. Despite, the short time frame the Cuban missile crisis remains a defining moment in American national security and nuclear war preparation. This confrontation is often considered the closest, the cold war came to escalating into a full-scale conflict or even a nuclear war. Later, with USA’s diplomacy and quick action this problem was solved and USSR was unable to attack. This incident still haunts US as they were unable to detect the enemy’s operation until they were so close to them.

How many people died in cyclone biparjoy?

This cyclone has caused too much destructions throughout its journey. It has killed 2 people and destroyed almost 1000 villages and many are left without electricity in Gujarat. Although, the cyclone has lost its momentum and is now weakened but it is still moving towards Rajasthan. Technology has been a major help in this incident because, with the help of equipment and satellite, the people were able to know in advance when and where the cyclone would hit. Due to early information many lives could be saved during a disaster. This time 74000people were evacuated from the coastal district of Gujarat. Moreover, more than 90000 people were also evacuated in Pakistan to avoid damages due to the cyclone. A total of 170,000 people were evacuated due to this cyclone in India and Pakistan.

What is happening in Gujrat after cyclone biparjoy?

The cyclone causes extensive financial damage to the State Power utility of Gujarat, with 5120 electricity polls being damaged and are now being restored. Almost 4000 villages were rendered without power but now electricity supply has been restored in about 3580 villages. Furthermore, buildings, houses, roads are also being restored for the public use. This is supposed to cost millions for India. The rescue forces are giving their best to rescue any stranded civilian and restore the condition of the areas.

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