russia blames usa

USA attack Putin: Russia Blames U.S. for Drone Attack Kremlin

World media is focussing on this specific topic as it could eventually push the world to a nuclear war. Therefore, every news channel is reporting that Russia has officially blamed the USA for the attack on the Kremlin that happened recently in the capital city, Moscow, of Russia. Recently there was a video of a drone attacking the Kremlin that went viral on social media. Russia claimed that the attack was done by Ukraine to kill Putin but Ukraine rejected those claims made by Russia. Ukraine’s President Zelensky, himself came in front of the media to declare that Ukraine doesn’t attack Putin or Moscow and they fight only on their territory to defend their beliefs. However, after that speech made by President Zelensky, the Ukrainian postal service released a new stamp after the attack on the Kremlin depicting the building in fire and a Ukrainian soldier in front of the building looking at the site. For now, Russia has a complete focus on the USA and the probability is high that Russia can take action against the USA too, even though it’s unclear what the action could be but Russia would take action. Now Putin is hiding in a bunker as the US and Ukraine are after his life, and he is doing so to protect himself from any future assassination attempts.


russia blames usa

Many countries are confused about the attack on Kremlin and how it could have happened. Many are questioning that this attack could be a ‘False Flag Operation’. A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning the blame on another party. The term ‘false flag’ originated in the 15th-16th century as the expression, meaning an intentional misrepresentation of someone’s allegiance. Many people are wondering whether the attack was a False flag operation or a genuine attack. The theory about the False flag operation is getting stronger because this theory’s alternative proves that the Russian defense system is useless, as it makes no sense that a drone from a foreign land has reached Moscow and attacked Putin, this is unheard of in any nation. Therefore, Russia has started to blame the USA, along with Ukraine, for the attack and claims that the USA is behind the Ukrainian drone attack as the USA may have technology that helped the drone to bypass the Russian radar systems. Now Russia is under pressure as its people ask for retaliation against Ukraine and USA.

Ukraine attacks Putin with Drone

The next few days will be very difficult for world peace, and if a ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia fails and the situation deteriorates, things could go bad very fast.

Drone Attack on Putin

Ukraine- Russia conflict has completed its first anniversary recently on February this year 2023. Yes, this conflict has lasted for more than a year now, however, during this conflict, Ukraine has never attacked Russia inside the Russian borders, this is the first incident in which Ukraine has attacked Russia at its Capital. This is a very big event as Kremlin, the place where Russian President Putin and other high-ranking officials, as well as Ministers, stay, was attacked without any proper warning. Russia claims that Ukraine had sent many drones towards Russia but the Russian defense system had shot down two drones that were targeting Kremlin and one drone that reached the Kremlin was destabilized using electronic radar by their officials. The video shows that the drone had reached Kremlin and fell on the tomb which resulted in a blast on top of the Kremlin. According to Russia, this is a terrorist attack that was carried out to destroy Russia’s morale and to hamper their preparations for the victory Day Parade’thatis on May 9, 2023, which would be attended by various high officials like a foreign guest, Ministers, etc. Russia has also said that they would continue to prepare for the ‘Victory Day Parade’ and this incident won’t have any harmful impact on their preparations. Russian officers warned that they would take necessary retaliatory measures for this attack by Ukraine.

Backlash of Drone Attack

The incident, in which drones flew from Ukraine to Moscow and ignored all of Russia’s high-tech defense systems, casts doubt not only on Russia’s missile defense system but also on the reliability of this equipment. After this attack on the Kremlin and the attempted assassination of Putin, President Putin is likely presenting the option of a nuclear attack. But if Russia still does not bring a nuclear option into this conflict, it may never use it. Recently an ex-CIA officer said to the media that if there was an attack or assassination attempt on Putin, the Russian Federation would break into small countries just like how USSR did in 1991, but this time it’ll break into nuclear mini-states which will not be sacrificing their nuclear missile.


What started the Ukraine-Russia conflict?

Ukraine’s foolishness to join NATO has started this conflict. In February 2022, Russia attacked Ukraine because of its continuous provocation of joining NATO. Russia has always stated that NATO should not expand itself to Russian borders as per the agreement made in 1991, but NATO didn’t abide by the agreement and started expanding to Russia’s borders and started adding Estonia. Lithuania and other bordering countries to NATO. But when they tried to add Ukraine’s largest country in Europe into NATO, Russia started its attack on Ukraine to prevent it from joining NATO.

Why did Russia invade Ukraine?

In February 2022, Russia attacked Ukraine because of its continuous provocation of joining NATO. Russia has always stated that NATO should not expand itself to Russian borders as per the agreement made in 1991, but NATO didn’t abide by the agreement and started expanding to Russia’s borders and started adding Estonia. Lithuania and other bordering countries to NATO. But when they tried to add Ukraine’s largest country in Europe into NATO, Russia started its attack on Ukraine to prevent it from joining NATO.

What happened in Russia?

Recently there was a video of a drone attacking the Kremlin that went viral on social media. Russia claimed that the attack was done by Ukraine to kill Putin. This is a very big event as Kremlin, the place where Russian President Putin and other high-ranking officials, as well as Ministers, stay, was attacked without any proper warning. Russia claims that Ukraine had sent many drones toward Russia but the Russian defense system had shot down two drones that were targeting Kremlin and one drone that reached the Kremlin was destabilized using electronic radar by their officials. The video shows that the drone had reached Kremlin and fell on the tomb which resulted in a blast on top of the Kremlin.

Who attacked Russia?

Recently there was a video of a drone attacking the Kremlin went viral on social media. Russia claimed that the attack was done by Ukraine to kill Putin. This is a very big event as Kremlin, the place where Russian President Putin and other high-ranking officials, as well as Ministers, stay, was attacked without any proper warning. Russia claims that Ukraine had sent many drones toward Russia and Russia but the Russian defense system had shot down two drones that were targeting Kremlin and one drone that reached the Kremlin was destabilized using electronic radar by their officials. Now, Russia has started to blame the USA, along with Ukraine, for the attack and claims that the USA is behind the Ukrainian drone attack as the USA may have technology that helped the drone to bypass the Russian radar systems, since, it would be hard to believe that Ukrainian drone was able to cross the border and reach Moscow without notice. However, many believe that it could be a ‘false flag operation’ and Russia has attacked itself to start a nuclear war.

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