Countries Involved: Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, and Venezuela. Objective: Focused on responsible freshwater dolphin conservation, aiming to halt the decline of all river dolphin species and increase the most vulnerable populations. Guidance: Designed to guide 14 nations where river dolphins inhabit. Focus on RemainingContinue Reading

A theoretical proposal from the 1960s, aimed at creating a canal through Israel’s Negev Desert. This was intended as an alternative to the Suez Canal, challenging Egypt’s control over a crucial trade route. Challenges: – Logistical Complexities: – High Costs: – Longer Route: – Security Concerns: Suez CanalAn artificial sea-levelContinue Reading

Millets encompass various small-seeded annual grasses cultivated as grain crops, thriving in marginal lands across temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions. Notably, India leads global millet production, contributing to 20% of the world’s total and 80% of Asia’s output. Significance: Millets offer economic and nutritional advantages over traditional staples like wheatContinue Reading

White goods refer to large home appliances, including refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, and air conditioners. Traditionally, these appliances were primarily available in the color white, giving rise to the term “white goods.” Evolution of the Term:While modern white goods are available in various colors, the term “whiteContinue Reading