Recently, Mumbai’s Anti-terrorists’ squad (ATS), filed a chargesheet of more than 1600 pages on a DRDO Scientist Pradip Kurulkar. ATS accused Kurulkar, for falling in a honey-trap and leaking missile info to Pakistani agent. Kurulkar thought the girl was impressed by him and was chatting with her romantically. After severalContinue Reading

Sri Lankan President Wickremesinghe Proposed India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka to be Borderless

Recently, Sri Lankan President Rani Wickremesinghe proposed to make India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan borderless. He is suggesting to make BIMSTEC countries borderless for promoting tourism. BIMSTEC (The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) is a cooperation of seven countries surrounding The Bay of Bengal which includesContinue Reading