Himachal Pradesh Floods | 120 Israeli citizens are unreachable in Himachal Floods

There have been various casualties due to floods in various parts of North India, and there is heavy rainfall primarily in Himachal Pradesh. Additionally, Uttarakhand is also receiving continuous rain, and even in the eastern regions of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, there is ongoing rainfall, leading to the overflow of several rivers. There have been several cases of floods and landslide in these regions increasing the death toll. During this time, Israeli government has announced that 120Israelis are still unreachable as monsoons lash India. The government is unable to connect to the Israeli citizens and are unable to detect their location. The Times of Israel has also reported this news as the government is worried about those 120 Israelis safety, primarily in Himachal Pradesh.

2023 North India Floods

The monsoon rains spanning from June to September are vital for India’s wellbeing, but they also bring about casualties and property damage each year. In recent years, India has witnessed intensified weather patterns, with the current incessant rainfall following closely on the heels of an intense heatwave that affected much of the Northern India. While various contribute to flooding, experts point to the climate change resulting from global warming as a significant driver of increased occurrence of heavy rainfall. Although it is normal during this period of the year to rain but this time, this heavy rainfall has caused overflowing of various rivers. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) confirmed that the heavy rain in parts of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand is due to the interaction of monsoonal winds with the western disturbance that has created a trough above Himachal Pradesh. IMD’s latest assessment states that a low-pressure area lies over the northeast Rajasthan and neighbouring regions. Normally monsoon reaches India from south, but this time various storms from Pakistan and northwestern region clashed with the clouds of monsoon from South, causing heavy rainfall in North India. This phenomenon is very rare, the last time it was seen in 2013 when similar type of incident took place in north India.

Impact on the Region

Pakistan has also issued flood alertas India release huge amount of water in Ravi River. India releases this water as the amount of water in the river has increased tremendously and the dams are unable to hold it in. Therefore, India releases the water to prevent any dam collapse. If the rain continues as it is, it would negatively affect India as well as increase the risk of floods in Pakistan too. Although, IMD has reported that this phenomenon would not last long, one cannot be fully sure about what could happen when it is such a big incident.

Most affected Area

Indian State of Himachal Pradesh is the most affected area so far by this rainfall. It is reported that, as of 9th July 2023, more than 700 roads were blocked in the worst-hit state Himachal Pradesh due to floods. Rescue operation led by teams from Indian army and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF). The region witnesses landslides and flash floods which caused significant damage to roads and buildings. These floods have also taken several lives and displaced various people from their homes and loved ones.

Israel’s Presence in Himachal Pradesh

The reason behind thousands of Israeli tourists visit Himachal Pradesh after their military training is to relax after their harsh training in the army. Many Israelis come to Himachal for enjoying spirituality, beauty and even rave parties, narcotics, mafia as well as sex. This attraction of Israelis towards India is also due to the love and support from Indian people towards Israel. As one can see that the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) countries are yet to recognise Israel as a nation and improve their relationship. Moreover, both in India and Israel, people to people connection are on a positive scale. Although, the Israeli citizens are unreachable at the moment, it is believed that they are safe as the place they were residing is not affected by floods.

Indian Air Force has become active during this incident and trying to provide sufficient supplies to the families who have lost their property in the floods. Efforts are done to minimise the loss from this disaster. Everyone should pray and hope for the safety of the people living in the affected states.


How many landslides and floods have happened in Himachal Pradesh?

Indian State of Himachal Pradesh is the most affected area so far by this rainfall. It is reported that, as of 9th July 2023, more than 700 roads were blocked in the worst-hit state Himachal Pradesh due to floods. In less than a months’ time, over 41 landslides and 29 flash floods and a cloud burst have occurred so far in Himachal Pradesh. Rescue operation led by teams from Indian army and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF). The region witnesses landslides and flash floods which caused significant damage to roads and buildings. These floods have also taken several lives and displaced various people from their homes and loved ones.

What happened in Himachal Pradesh?

There have been various casualties due to floods in various parts of North India, and there is heavy rainfall primarily in Himachal Pradesh. Additionally, Uttarakhand is also receiving continuous rain, and even in the eastern regions of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, there is ongoing rainfall, leading to the overflow of several rivers. There have been several cases of floods and landslide in these regions increasing the death toll. During this time, Israeli government has announced that 120 Israelis are still unreachable as monsoons lash India. The government is unable to connect to the Israeli citizens and are unable to detect their location. The Times of Israel has also reported this news as the government is worried about those 120 Israelis safety, primarily in Himachal Pradesh.

Which state is most affected by Floods in India?

Indian State of Himachal Pradesh is the most affected area so far by this rainfall. It is reported that, as of 9th July 2023, more than 700 roads were blocked in the worst-hit state Himachal Pradesh due to floods. Rescue operation led by teams from Indian army and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF). The region witnesses landslides and flash floods which caused significant damage to roads and buildings. These floods have also taken several lives and displaced various people from their homes and loved ones.

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