Recently, Mumbai’s Anti-terrorists’ squad (ATS), filed a chargesheet of more than 1600 pages on a DRDO Scientist Pradip Kurulkar. ATS accused Kurulkar, for falling in a honey-trap and leaking missile info to Pakistani agent. Kurulkar thought the girl was impressed by him and was chatting with her romantically. After severalContinue Reading

Recently there have been a massive breakthrough in Russia-Pakistan relation after Pakistan purchased and received the first shipment of Russia’s discounted oil. Russian Foreign Minister made a video saying “Russia-Pakistan relation zindabad” and thanking Pakistan for purchasing Russian oil and Wheat. This an important moment for Pakistan as there hasContinue Reading


Recently there have been the news that the Khalistan commando force chief Paramjit Panjwar gunned down in Lahore. Designated terrorist and Khalistan Commando Force (KCF) chief Paramjit Singh Panjwar alias Malik Sardar Singh was gunned down by two unidentified gunmen in Johar Town, Lahore. There are some who argues aboutContinue Reading