Greece boat accident pakistani : 500 people still missing says UN reports

Recently, it has been reported that about 298 Pakistanis are feared to be dead in Greece Migrant Boat Tragedy. The boat carrying the migrant workers turned over due to overcrowding. According to UN up to 500 people are missing and among the 298 Pakistani migrant workers about 50 Azad Jammu and Kashmir Youth are missing. The numbers are stated by the government after the tragedy, the exact numbers are yet to be verified. DNA test need to be conducted to verify the deceased. PM Shehbaz Sharif has tweeted about this news along with UN and European Union officials from there official tweeter handles. European Union commissioner has declared that this Greek Migrant tragedy might be the worst ever tragedy on Mediterranean Sea.

EU commissioner for home affairs Ylva Johansson on a press conference in Brussels said “We don’t have all information yet on what has happened but it seems like this is the worst ever tragedy we have seen in Mediterranean Sea”. The tragedy has shone a Spotlight on the European Union refugee crisis in which every year, tens of thousands of migrants flee war, persecution climate change and poverty risk treacherous routes to the Europe. Johansson condemn the role of ‘smugglers’ who put people on the boats. They are not sending them to Europe, they are sending them to death. This is what they are doing and its absolutely necessary to prevent it.

There have been many incidences where the smugglers from Libya, Algeria, Syria and even Turkey would manipulate people from Pakistan, Syria, and many other war-torn countries to leave their own country and illegally migrate to Europe, as the human development in Europe is high. The smuggler would then take a fee and carry them from their country to Europe on an overcrowded ship and drop them at some nameless port in Europe.

Europe is a Garden :

‘Europe is a Garden and most of the world is a Jungle’ Josep Borell, European Union’s High representative for Foreign Affairs said in an interview. Later, after that interview he had to faced huge criticism as he said the world to be a jungle. Although his comments were criticized, it could be said to be true metaphorically. European countries are leading the World Humans Development Index. Therefore, migrant from these countries would prefer Europe over America for migration.

Greek Migrant Tragedy:

European have been accepting migrants from various war-torn countries like Syria, Libya etc., due there ageing population and the need of work force but later it was found that the migrant could not assimilate to their societies and culture, moreover, were involved in various crimes. Therefore, after consideration European countries came to a conclusion that they would stop accepting anymore migrant and started to strengthen their borders as well as coaster areas. Due to this the border butler in the ocean by the navy also increased. To avoid detection by the Navy warships or coastal guards’ smugglers would take the migrants in bad weathers too. Today was such incident, the smugglers were taking a ship full of migrants. As it was overcrowded the ship turned upside-down in middle of its journey feared to be killing almost 500+ people among which 298 were Pakistanis and 50 from AJK (Azad Jammu and Kashmir).

Pakistan exposed:

This incidence is going to be a major setback for Pakistan as maximum people die in this tragedy are from Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir or AJK (Azad Jammu and Kashmir). This raises question that, did Pakistan has kept the people of Azad Jammu and Kashmir poor. People in Pakistan’s Kashmir face poor infrastructure, lack of jobs, poor press control. Pakistan has kept this area so poor that the people of Pakistan’s Kashmir are going to Europe as illegal immigrant along with Syria and other war-torn countries.  India has given various statement on this topic and said that the PoK has been kept in Complete darkness for last 75 years


Migrant in Greece Latest news?

Recently, it has been reported that about 298 Pakistanis are feared to be dead in Greece Migrant Boat Tragedy. The boat carrying the migrant workers turned over due to overcrowding. According to UN up to 500 people are missing and among the 298 Pakistani migrant workers about 50 Azad Jammu and Kashmir Youth are missing. The numbers are stated by the government after the tragedy, the exact numbers are yet to be verified. DNA test need to be conducted to verify the deceased. PM Shehbaz Sharif has tweeted about this news along with UN and European Union officials from there official tweeter handles. European Union commissioner has declared that this Greek Migrant tragedy might be the worst ever tragedy on Mediterranean Sea.

Greek migrant crisis?

Recently, it has been reported that about 298 Pakistanis are feared to be dead in Greece Migrant Boat Tragedy. The boat carrying the migrant workers turned over due to overcrowding. According to UN up to 500people are missing and among the 298 Pakistani migrant workers about 50 Azad Jammu and Kashmir Youth are missing. The numbers are stated by the government after the tragedy, the exact numbers are yet to be verified. DNA test need to be conducted to verify the deceased. PM Shehbaz Sharif has tweeted about this news along with UN and European Union officials from there official tweeter handles. European Union commissioner has declared that this Greek Migrant tragedy might be the worst ever tragedy on Mediterranean Sea.EU commissioner for home affairs Ylva Johansson on a press conference in Brussels said “We don’t have all information yet on what has happened but it seems like this is the worst ever tragedy we have seen in Mediterranean Sea”. The tragedy has shone a Spotlight on the European Union refugee crisis in which every year, tens of thousands of migrants flee war, persecution climate change and poverty risk treacherous routes to the Europe. Johansson condemn the role of ‘smugglers’ who put people on the boats. They are not sending them to Europe, they are sending them to death. This is what they are doing and its absolutely necessary to prevent it.

There have been many incidences where the smugglers from Libya, Algeria, Syria and even Turkey would manipulate people from Pakistan, Syria, and many other war-torn countries to leave their own country and illegally migrate to Europe, as the human development in Europe is high. The smuggler would then take a fee and carry them from their country to Europe on an overcrowded ship and drop them at some nameless port in Europe.

How many Pakistani killed in Greece Tragedy?

European have been accepting migrants from various war-torn countries like Syria, Libya etc., due there ageing population and the need of work force but later it was found that the migrant could not assimilate to their societies and culture, moreover, were involved in various crimes. Therefore, after consideration European countries came to a conclusion that they would stop accepting anymore migrant and started to strengthen their borders as well as coaster areas. Due to this the border butler in the ocean by the navy also increased. To avoid detection by the Navy warships or coastal guards’ smugglers would take the migrants in bad weathers too. Today was such incident, the smugglers were taking a ship full of migrants. As it was overcrowded the ship turned upside-down in middle of its journey feared to be killing almost 500+ people among which 298 were Pakistanis and 50 from AJK (Azad Jammu and Kashmir).

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