Breaking News: China Exposed! Spy Base Uncovered in Cuba, Confirms USA

Today, after a long time USA has finally accepted that China has a Spy base in Cuba. There are many articles that was published saying that China has a spy base in Cuba but USA has recently confirmed that China had made this spy base since at least 2019. Three days earlier when media published that China has built a spy base in Cuba, USA rejected these reports and said that these are all baseless. Obviously when USA rejected the reports, China and Cuba would naturally reject these reports too, but in reality, China has already built a spy base in Cuba. Since, the elections are near in USA, the administration told the media that the China has really built spy base in Cuba but it was built since 2019, during Donald Trump’s administration. The Biden administration has shifted the blame to the Trump administration to avoid backlash.

Cuba is a Central American country which has a population of about 11.18 million and it is one of the few countries which follows One-party Socialist Republic form of government. Other countries which follow this form of government are China, Laos, and Vietnam, but previously there were many including Yugoslavia and USSR. Cuba is a hardcore communist country where-as USA is a democratic country therefore, they both stay is a totally different viewpoint. Historically, USA has suffered many geopolitical complications from Cuba, for e.g., during cold war, American deployments of missiles in eastern Europe were match by Soviet Union (USSR) deployments of similar estimation missiles in Cuba. Despite, the short time frame the Cuban missile crisis remains a defining moment in American national security and nuclear war preparation. This confrontation is often considered the closest, the cold war came to escalating into a full-scale conflict or even a nuclear war. Later, with USA’s diplomacy and quick action this problem was solved and USSR was unable to attack.

China-Cuba Relation:

Now in 21st Century Russia-Cuba relationship is not that good, it once used to be since Russia cannot provide much to Cuba after fall of USSR in 1991 and sanctions by the western countries. But on the other hand, Cuba has developed a close relationship with China as both the countries have same ideology and same enemy i.e., United States of America. In 2020, Cuba was one of the 53 countries that backed the Hong Kong national security law at United Nations in favor of China. Cuba has also sign cooperation plan with China to promote BRI construction projects and also got millions of dollars of loans from Chinese Companies. Now after looking at these two countries relations, it is of no-surprise that the China has built a spy base in Cuba.

USA-Cuba Relation:

There has been various incidence in which the USA has been put in a difficult position due to Cuba. There was an incident where Ana Montes, an US citizen, worked as a Cuban spy for 17years as she was working as a senior analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency in USA. When US government caught her, they were shocked since it was unbelievable, from their perspective, for Cuba to do such a thing. Another incident came to light when Kendall Myers, a former United States Department employee along with his wife Gwendolyn were arrested for spying for Cuba for about 30 years. There were dozens of similar cases of American Citizens working as spy for the Cuban Government. Later, it was revealed that Cuba, being a small country, was capable of manipulating American citizen through their ideology, i.e., communism along with monitory funds. It is believed that there are still Cuban spies in American Government which believe in same ideology but are undercover after recent cases.

Therefore, USA’s Confirmation of China’s spy base in Cuba is a big deal. Now, China will start to buy the information that the Cuban Spies in America has gathered in exchange for financial aid.


Cuban Missile Crisis?

During cold war, American deployments of missiles in eastern Europe were matched by Soviet Union (USSR) deployments of similar estimation missiles in Cuba. Despite, the short time frame the Cuban missile crisis remains a defining moment in American national security and nuclear war preparation. This confrontation is often considered the closest, the cold war came to escalating into a full-scale conflict or even a nuclear war. Later, with USA’s diplomacy and quick action this problem was solved and USSR was unable to attack. This incident still haunts US as they were unable to detect the enemy’s operation until they were so close to them.

Does China have a secret deal with Cuba?

Today, after a long time USA has finally accepted that China has a Spy base in Cuba. There are many articles that was published saying that China has a spy base in Cuba but USA has recently confirmed that China had made this spy base since at least 2019. Three days earlier when media published that China has built a spy base in Cuba, USA rejected these reports and said that these are all baseless. Obviously when USA rejected the reports, China and Cuba would naturally reject these reports too, but in reality, China has already built a spy base in Cuba

Is China spying on US from Cuba?

According to the recent news, USA has confirmed that the China has built a spy base in Cuba. USA has also stated that it was being developed since 2019. By looking at China’s track record, it can be said that this base is most likely to be used for spying in USA from Cuba. Cuba has a good relationship with China therefore it has agreed to give its land for the base.

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