Xi Jinping calls for a stronger military combat readiness

Now Chinese President Xi Jinping was missing at the G20 Summit in New Delhi . The Official word from China is that he was catering to some domestic affairs . Well another statement targeting his domestic audience as well as Global Players has now resurfaced . Xi Wants the PLA Troops to be combat ready.  Is this Political messaging or a warning directed at a few , While inspecting the 78th Group in the country ‘s Northeast Xi Jinping  called for comprehensively enhancing combat Readiness . While praising  the forces for their participation in the flood relief work , he urged for more efforts to improve the level of training of troops on key and difficult subjects and build new combat capabilities .

China’s President underscored the importance of maintaining a high level of Integrity and Unity of Armed forces . Now Such statement from the chinese president are not new but they become more relevant at the time they are meet . China’s recent aggressive map maneuver  has kicked up a Strom with many neighboring nation hitting out . Beijing Recently released a 10 dash line map claiming areas in the disputed South China Sea , Countries from Philippines , Malaysia, Indonesia , Vietnam to taiwan raised strong objection to this map. The map also claimed that India’s Northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh an aaitan arae as a part of Chinese territory . India had raised strong objections to this as well .

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