Sundar pichai about chatGPT : Things are go wrong because people are using chatGPT now a days

The coming generation of the Internet seems to be around Artificial Intelligence( AI) with Global Internet titans contending to integrate & give the stylish services to the druggies. After Microsoft, Google now plans to integrate an AI Chatbox in its hunt machine. This was blazoned by Alphabet Inc & Google CEO Sundar Pichai. “ Advances in AI would supercharge Google’s capability to answer an array of hunt queries, ” Pichai said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal( WSJ). Sundar also emphasised Google’s lead in developing computer programs called large language models, or LLMs, in the hunt function, which can reuse and respond to natural- language prompts with humanlike prose. With Microsoft integrating ChatGPT in its hunt machine ‘ Bing ’, this has come one of the toughest challenges for Google in times after being the ‘ stylish ’ in the business. Reportedly, Microsoft expects to induce$ 2 Billion in profit for every chance point it gains in the hunt request, of which Google has a further than 90 share. Pichai said that Google Brain and DeepMind would work together more nearly to make large algorithms to ameliorate Bard. With the theme of AI around, it’ll be intriguing to see the significant developments that will take place in the current Internet services, especially by titans like Google, Microsoft & others.

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