A bizarre event happen in china, where a man has been sentenced to jail

In an utterly bizarre set of events from China, a man has been sentenced to a jail term of six months after he scared around 1,100 chickens to death over a feud with his neighbour.

According to the update, reported by the state-owned media, the man whose last name was Gu has been imprisoned and fined after he scared thousands of his neighbour’s chickens to death.

In what appears to be the actual case, there was already an ongoing exchange of disputed thoughts between the two neighbours Gu and Zhong Gu, and his neighbour Zhong since April 2022 when Zhong cut down Gu’s trees without permission.

In retaliation, Gu sneaked into neighbour Zhong’s chicken farm during the night and used flashlights resulting in a commotion that led to hundreds of chickens being crushed to death as they huddled together in a corner out of fear.

Following this incident, the Hengyang court on Tuesday sentenced Gu to serve six months in prison with one year of probation, stating he had intentionally caused “property loss” to Zhong.

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