UN Reports: India Is on Track to Become the World’s Most Populous Country

Recently, China commented that if India has ‘quantity’, China has ‘quality’, on the estimation made by UN that within this year India would officially overtake China to become the most populated country in the world. Some articles online have started stating this estimation about India surpassing China to become the most populated country in the world. People has been listening to India beating China to become themost populated country since 2016-17 but now UN has just made it official that it would happen by mid-year. The news has caused panic in China as they were beaten by India and also due to fall in Chinese population, which is estimated to be half of current population by 2050. Due to this reason China has responded to the world that it has over 900million ‘quality’ work force and claims quality over quantity.

According to UN, the Top 5 most populated countries would look like the following; 1) India(1.428 billion), 2) China(1.425 billion), 3) USA(339 million), 4) Indonesia(277 million), 5) Pakistan(239 million). UN report states that India now has 1.428 billion people and is the most populous country in the world, outstripping China’s population. 68% of India’s population belongs to 15-64 years category and 26% in the 10-24 years group, making India one of the youngest countries in the world. However, the fertility rate in India has been steadily dropping from 2.2 in 2016 to 2.0 in 2019-2021. Experts say that India’s large population is a result of the ‘population momentum’ from earlier decades, and that the country’s population is likely to start its decline closer to 2050.

Chinese Concern

China’s main concern is its birth rate, that has reduced to less than 1.2 birth rate per woman, after Xijing Ping’s ‘One Child Policy’. This means that, a woman in China on an average gives birth to 1.2 child, which is not sufficient to sustain a population. Now, due to President Xi’s One Child Policy, the population in China will become half of what it has now. This has caused concerns for the Communist party of China as most of its population is in old age group. The damage that has been caused by ‘One Child Policy’ will be uncontrollable as there will be a sharp decline in Chinese Population. Many news articles have been published on this topic stating that China is dying out. China has criticized various media outlets on their coverage of China’s declining population.

Challenges for India

India’s most important challenge would be maintaining jobs. As it has a very young population, the country needs to generate quality jobs to ensure proper economic activity in the country. India needs to maintain a strong GDP growth rate to create jobs for this massive population. According to experts, India needs to have 18% GDP growth to keep up with India’s job market demands, which would be a difficult task. Moreover, it is high time now that the country introduces a proper job policy for its people. There are policies for various issues but till now India has not introduced a Job policy. Under this policy government works with a goal to increase jobs as population grows otherwise there will be no jobs for this humongous population, which would lead to dissatisfaction and anger among the citizens towards the government. With a proper employment policy India can easily catch up to China by 2050.


What is population?

A population is an animal, plant, or human community whose members interbreed. Population refers to the total number of people living in a particular region, region, or country. Population size and distribution are important factors that determine a place’s social, economic and political landscape. Population growth can have both positive and negative impacts on societies, including resource availability, infrastructure, and environmental impacts. As the world’s population grows, concerns over issues such as overpopulation, resource depletion, and climate change are growing. Managing population growth effectively is essential to ensuring sustainable development and the well-being of people and the planet.

Highest population country?

According to UN recent report India has outstripped China’s population to become the most populated country of the world. Now, India has a population of 1.428 billion where as China is at 1.425 billion. India has most of its population in its northern belt along the sides of the Ganges.

Population of India and China?

According to UN, the Top 5 most populated countries would look like the following; 1) India(1.428 billion), 2) China(1.425 billion), 3) USA(339 million), 4) Indonesia(277 million), 5) Pakistan(239 million).

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