Why do ukraine insults goddess kali. Why Deletes Tweet Without Apology

Recently, the Ukrainian department of Defence posted on Twitter about the explosion of a Russian oil tanker in Crimea, posting images of the explosion along with a photo of the Hindu goddess Kali hiding behind smoke, calling it a work of art. This has infuriated the Indians living across the globe. Ukraine’s reputation has hit rock bottom after this incident, although it was not very high but Ukraine still had some supporters in India, which have now turned against Ukraine and started supporting Russia after this post. Many has posted their opinions on this and are asking the Government to take action against the Ukrainian Government. According to some reports, Ukraine has posted this photo to mock India as they have not yet criticized Russia regarding the Russia-Ukraine conflict. India has become Ukraine’s 4th least favourite country.

ukrain insults goddass kali

Ukraine- Russia conflict has completed its one-year anniversary recently on February this year 2023. Yes, this conflict has lasted more than a year now, during this conflict many Europeans and Ukrainians reporters and politician has asked India to criticize Russia many times for its attacks on Ukraine but India has ignored to do so. India has also been buying Russian oil at cheap prices, instead of buying it at the cap price set by the G7 countries that is followed by the many western allied countries like Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Portugal, Spain, France, USA, Japan, South Korea etc. India has also been blaming the European countries for their hypocrisy, as they were the highest importer of the Russian Oil and Natural Gas, and banning other countries from importing it. Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar has also said in an interview; “Europe’s Problem is world’s problem but the World’s Problem is not Europe’s problem” indicating that whatever happens in Europe the world should react to it and help the specific country but whatever happens in the other parts of the world, Europe does not care for it and its not Europe’s problem instead the specific country should handle its own problem. This statement has made various European countries dissatisfied and angry especially Ukraine.

what is the relation between india- ukraine relation

India-Ukraine relation has been neither good nor bad, it has been a stable relation. But in the past, there were various occasions that affected this relationship. In early 2000s, Ukraine exported military tanks and other equipment to Pakistan even after India asked them not to so. After that there was again this type of incident when Ukraine tried to sell parts of an equipment as well as new equipment for the Pakistani military even during the RussianUkraine conflict, where Ukraine itself didn’t have enough ammunition to support the conflict and was dependent on the donation given by USA and other European countries. During, Russia-Ukraine conflict both countries relation is at the bottom and India has been regarded as the 4th least favorite country in Ukraine. There were some instances where Ukraine used to flatter India by calling it ‘Vishwaguru’ that is world’s teacher and asked to help them with humanitarian aid. India agreed to their demand and were sending school buses. Hospital beds, medicines etc., but during this process Ukrainian Defense department posted a photo disrespecting Indian’s major religion, a Hindu Goddess. This has damaged the ties between India and Ukraine.


What started the Ukraine-Russia conflict?

Ukraine’s foolishness to join NATO has started this conflict. In February 2022, Russia attacked Ukraine because of its continuous provocation of joining NATO. Russia has always stated that the NATO should not expand itself to Russian borders as per the agreement made in 1991, but NATO didn’t abide by the agreement and started expanding to Russia’s borders and started adding Estonia. Lithuania and other bordering countries to NATO. But when they tried to add Ukraine largest country on Europe into NATO, Russia started its attack on Ukraine to prevent it from joining NATO.

Why did Russia invade Ukraine?

In February 2022, Russia attacked Ukraine because of its continuous provocation of joining NATO. Russia has always stated that the NATO should not expand itself to Russian borders as per the agreement made in 1991, but NATO didn’t abide by the agreement and started expanding to Russia’s borders and started adding Estonia. Lithuania and other bordering countries to NATO. But when they tried to add Ukraine largest country on Europe into NATO, Russia started its attack on Ukraine to prevent it from joining NATO.

Why Ukraine insulted Indian Hindu Goddess Kali?

The Ukrainian department of Defence posted on Twitter about the explosion of a Russian oil tanker in Crimea, posting images of the explosion along with a photo of the Hindu goddess Kali hiding behind smoke, calling it a work of art. This infuriated many Indians and asked for proper action against them. Many on twitter twitted that this is brazen hate speech. Ukraine has always been doing comedy about the attacks on Russia by the Ukrainian soldiers and fighters but when they get attacked, they cry for help.

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